About me

I am an engineer who love thinking, engineering [reverse engineering in some cases] and coming up with simple and innovative solutions for complex problem. I love exploring tech and algorithmic development at various levels of abstraction.

Myself . Introducing Google Developers Students Club(GDSC) to the batch of 25 [Sept'22]

My Ikigai

I believe I am still in the process of discovering my true Ikigai, but I think it's essential to take even small steps toward the end goal. It's somewhat like the gradient descent algorithm, where the learning rate (alpha) can be really small yet still have significant impact in the long run on the multidimensional curve of life.

Yes, I correlated a software/mathematical algorithm to life.

Currently, I find immense joy in solving computer architectural problems-whether at the architectural, software, or microarchitectural level. I love developing tools that can generate hardware and creating methodologies that help architects make better decisions or expedite the process of taking a SoC from specification to market in minimal time.


. Discovering my Ikigai: A balanced intersection of what I love, what I'm good at, what the world needs, and what I can be paid for.

A Brief History...

In 2010, when I was 8 years old, I booted my first computer. I still remember the fresh Windows XP background on my box-shaped computer-though back then, I was mostly playing Pinball on it. Seeing computers get smaller and more powerful always made me wonder how they worked. Growing up, I was passionate about finding the answer to that question. I still remember learning C++ in Turbo C++ back in 2014.

Eventually, I figured out how computers work and realized that the game wasn't just about building a computer-it was about optimizing it for better PPA (Power, Performance, and Area). This was when I understood that building a machine is one thing, but optimizing it is a whole other challenge. As I approached the end of my B.Tech in ECE at PES University, I was matured enough to grasp the algorithmic overheads at both the hardware and software levels, understanding the trade-offs involved.

Now, I seek to answer questions about how to take an application and optimize a computing system all the way from software down to the microarchitecture. In a nutshell, there are many problems at the software-to-microarchitecture layer in the abstraction ladder, and I would love to solve some of these-if not all!