Joyen Benitto

Hello, Welcome to my homepage! I am Joyen Benitto and I currently work as a SoC Design Engineer at InCore Semiconductors. I maintain and develop internal EDA tools that accelerate SoC Design and verification.

The website layout keeps changing so feel free to use the tags to navigate and find the relevant content, here are some quick access links: changelog, outreach, aboutme.

There is no great genius without a mixture of madness

hyprthrd_lads . Just three comp-arch geeks in Sifive's RISC-V Day [15-Feb-2024] @Hilton Bangalore Embassy GolfLinks [in the picture are @aakarsh, myself, @suhasKV]

What I do now

Oh by the way, the following site was generated using giggle one of my very own creation.


Feel free to reach out to me via personal or my business email. I am active on both X(formerly Twitter) @JoyenBenitto and on linkedin.

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