Understanding Compilers, linkers and loaders with riscv gcc toolchain:Building up from C all the way down to binary using the riscv gcc.
Coolio with CUDA: A talk introducing CUDA and Data-level parallelism to the audience
NVIDIA’s Fermi: The First Complete GPU Computing Architecture:A fun talk on Fermi and CUDA from ground-up
Understanding RISC-V microarchitecture the simplest way: A session on RISC-V microarchitecture for the Batch'24
Student Club/Chapters
Lead @Google Developer Student Club - Aug'22 - Apr'23
Mentor Hardware @HackerSpace - Aug'22 - Apr'23
Project Contributor Hacknight @ACM-PESUECC - Sep'22 - Oct'22
Finance Head @Maaya'22 - Sept'22 - Dec'22